Perfectly Peach™ Bouquet

Item # 176341
Perfectly Peach™ Bouquet
Bouquet Size


Our Perfectly Peach Bouquet delivers sweetness with every sentiment. Designed by Doreen Gordy of Bloomers in Tomball, TX, it features soft peach blooms with pops of lively coral inside our rustic, grey-washed wooden cube. From the soothing floral tones to the natural textures of the container, it’s a gift that fills hearts and homes with warmth and happiness. All-around arrangement with peach roses, carnations and white waxflower; accented with peach hypericum and assorted greenery Artistically designed in our exclusive grey washed wooden cube with rustic style and natural, textural beauty; measures 5.2"L x 5.2"H x 5.2"W

Substitution Policy

We cannot guarantee requests for a specfic time of delivery.

To guarantee the freshest bouquet possible, our florist may replace some stems in your arrangement for color or flower variety. While we always do the best to match the picture shown, sometimes different vases may be used. Any substitution made will be similar to the original design and be of equal or greater value. Your understanding is greatly appreciated